2009 - 2011 RX8 Gauge Pod - Updates

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After a few years of using the custom gauge pod, I decided it was time for an update.  One of the cons of the gauge pod was that it would have the gauges sit at a strange angle.  Although the gauges were readable, they were prone to glare.  After getting some ideas from looking at the Racing Beat pod, I decided to make some changes.

Prosport Gauges


Along with the changes, I upgraded my gauges to the new line of Prosport EVO gauges.  These all digital gauges are quite nice, with easy to read numbers, and a sweeping digital indicator around the edge.  This gauge pod was custom made by using a hole saw and some metal bracing on the back side to prevent flexing.

Prosport Gauges

Prosport Gauges

Prosport Gauges

Prosport Gauges